• Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum: Mollusca
  • Class: Bivalvia
  • Order: Pectinoida
  • Family: Pectinidae
  • Scientific name: Pecten maximus
  • Norwegian: kamskjell


The great scallop has a thick and solid shell. The left (bottom) valve is flat while the right (top) valve is clearly convex. Approximately 15-17 ridges radiate from the dorsal margin. The color is grey or light brown, sometimes with tints of yellow, orange or red. It can reach a diameter of 17 cm. Small individuals may be confused with the Icelandic scallop.


The great scallop is usually seen partly buried in sand, on depths ranging from 5 to 150 meters. It is most frequent out on the coast, outside the fjords, on locations where the sand is not too muddy.


It is most frequent in the North sea, but is registered from Troms, Norway in the north to the Atlantic coasts of Spain in the south.